Update From BISD

BISD Family:

It is with great regret that I must announce that after consultation with the local health authorities, county judge, state officials, and regional educational leaders, Beaumont ISD has determined that it is in the best interest of our students, staff and the community for the district to transition to a flexible education program beginning March 23 until April 3rd. This decision is a necessary one made out of an abundance of caution to slow the potential spread of coronavirus in our community.

The flexible education program will be further detailed in the next few days but will entail our students not being educated in the traditional school setting, but at home. Because we live by the philosophy that “Every Moment Matters” our curriculum and technology departments have been preparing over the last several days with creative solutions to have coursework available for our students during this time. The district will soon release information regarding how we will continue our students’ education from home. We are also working on plans to continue to feed our students during this time. We will assess the situation weekly and make determinations regarding extensions, if necessary, based upon the daily developing situation our country is facing with the coronavirus.

Sharing this information with our parents, staff and students saddens me greatly. I know how much our students depend on our schools to provide, not only a quality education, but the structure and routine necessary for productive development. Making this decision has been one that, while necessary to maintain health and safety, is not without great concern for our students. Many questions will continue to arise in the days to come. We will continue to release information as decisions are made, therefore please continue to stay connected through our website and social media platforms. 

We are staying in constant communication and following the guidance of Beaumont Public Health Department and the Center for Disease Control. All school-related events including sporting events and practices will continue to be suspended until further notice. Please know that we are working hard and doing our best in a situation that no school system in our country has ever faced. There is no perfect solution and I ask in advance for your understanding and patience as we journey down this unprecedented road. This is a time that we must remain united as a community and do what is necessary for our kids. Parents, while I know these are trying times, I am depending on you to support the district’s efforts in this endeavor. 

Please continue to follow all guidance and directives previously shared by the Center for Disease Control and look for additional updates later this week. Thank you for your understanding and support during this challenging situation in our nation.

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